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Airport Madness 6 World Edition Game Information

Played 115924 times
Average Score: 3.94 / 5.00 (from 1486 votes)
Date Added: 22 November 2014
Categories: Plane, Simulation


Take control of the busy skies above different real-world airports as you play the role of air traffic controller. In the sixth Airport Madness game you get to control the planes above real-world airports, the free version includes Vancouver, while the full version features many more including Las Vegas and JFK in New York.

New features in the Airport Madness 6 World Edition include the ability to assign the arrival and departure runways to planes, new game modes, and a radar to view all flights in the air space surrounding your airport. Airport Madness World Edition also features human pilot voices and an efficiency meter to see how well you're performing as an Air Traffic Controller.

So sit down and take control of the skies, you must keep the airplanes separated to avoid midair crashes while keeping an eye of runway assignments and taxiing to avoid collisions on the ground. Now keep those planes moving safely to avoid unduly delaying the impatient passengers.

Game Play Instructions

LEFT CLICK on an aircraft to view its control panel, then use the MOUSE and LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to give it commands such as taxi, takeoff, cross runway, enter holding pattern, go around, speed up, and slow down. You can also assign which runway each plane should use.

Hold the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON down on an aircraft and then use the MOUSE to drag out a new heading, release to send the plane on that heading.

Flight Hot Keys:
1 - Faster
2 - Slower
3 - Expedite Off Runway
4 - Go Around

Ground Hot Keys:
Q - Line Up
W - Take Off
E - Immediate Takeoff
R - Cross Runway (when available)
T - Do Not Cross

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Airport Madness 6 World Edition AddictsInformation

Rank Gamer Play Time
1. Aed92587's Avatar Aed92587 4 days
2. Wolf175's Avatar Wolf175 1 day
3. NoFollowBabylon's Avatar NoFollowBabylon 20 hours
4. CrusaderWolf1's Avatar CrusaderWolf1 15 hours
5. DonP's Avatar DonP 10 hours

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